We recently held a joint networking event in conjunction with Business West where Members of both Chambers had the opportunity to see the amazing new Moog aviation facility in Tewkesbury. This is a prime example of the kind of high-tech, high precision business this area is attracting.
We head something of the history of Moog (rhymes with vogue!) and its values, which were impressive while the new leader of Tewkesbury Borough Council talked about the area’s economic ambitions before being questioned by Ian Mean of Business West. We have reproduced some of that from the Business West website below.
While the emphasis was on Tewkesbury specifically, there are clearly big knock-on opportunities for businesses in Cheltenham, which has its own security technology “powerhouse” in the shape of Golden Valley. It was encouraging that both Moog and the Council are very open to ensuring that local businesses get the opportunity to get maximum possible benefit from the supply chains these developments create.
Interview with Councillor Richard Stanley on Tewkesbury’s Tremendous Growth
Tewkesbury is fast becoming a veritable powerhouse for business growth as more companies move into the area and the magnet for young families setting up home there.
In an exclusive interview with the new Leader of Tewkesbury Borough Council, Councillor Richard Stanley, Ian Mean of Business West and former editor of the Western Daily Press asked him how the area was going to cope with this tremendous growth.
Tewkesbury’s housing growth over the next 20 years will be massive, far more than any other part of Gloucestershire.
And how many people know that Tewkesbury Borough has the fourth highest economy out of 331 boroughs in the UK?
I certainly didn’t.
But what we don’t probably realise is that many of the large employers, companies like Safran, are more close to Gloucester or Cheltenham in proximity but are actually in Tewkesbury borough.
So, why haven’t the council shouted more about their business growth and their plans to attract more companies?
Councillor Stanley told me: ”The raw ingredients that we have here so many areas of the country would give their right hand for.
“We have a really diverse economy, great investment opportunities and great transport links. You are right, we are a powerhouse so we need to start like acting like one.
“It’s not just about getting the best investment but from that we are creating good quality jobs. We have some great businesses here and manufacturing is a big strength for our local economy.
“I am grateful for you beating that drum with us. We agree we are a great place in which to invest.
What we need to do better is to shape the growth and get the best out of those good ingredients.
He is right, about 18% of the local economy is manufacturing with high tech internationally renowned companies like Moog playing a big part.
How can the new council leader help SMEs?
“My Mum was an SME with a fruit and veg background in Shropshire—that was such a hard business to run with very tight margins.
“I feel I am one of them and sometimes I feel they just don‘t have the time to apply for some of the business grants we can offer them to help. I think we have to give those SMEs support and encouragement. “it is about making it as easy and free as possible.”
Over the next 20 years, Tewkesbury is going to be expanding with the developing of Garden Town Communities with thousands of new homes to cater for the young families moving into the area for the new skilled jobs being created.
“We need to make sure we get the infrastructure right to cope with that extra housing which needs to be of high quality”, he tells me.
“We have to get the local communities structure right which we haven’t been getting right-things like community centres and sports pitches. Truthfully, we need to be much better at that. It is infrastructure that residents see and know what they should be getting in a timely way.
“Several communities have been waiting five to ten years for community buildings.
“The Garden Town Communities programme means that we are not just doing urban sprawl and bolt-ons which we will get if we don’t plan properly.
“We are not intending to impose a giant town on the area. It will be small scale developments linked by a joint infrastructure.
“We certainly need to be on the front foot on planning so we have land that is earmarked for business growth in our strategic plan”.